Web 3

The Dawn of the Metaverse: Implications and Possibilities

The world of digital reality is vast and intriguing, stretching across the realms of the internet, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and even...

How to Set Up a Website on Flux – Point Your Custom Domain

Setting up your website on Flux involves configuring a custom domain and directing it to your Flux Wordpress Website. Here, we'll be using CloudFlare...

How to Set Up a Website on Flux: A Step-by-Step Guide

This guide provides you with a step-by-step process of setting up your website on Flux. It is one of a series that will guide...

Project Mayhem: Leveraging Flux in Combating Disinformation: The Path Forward

With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), new challenges have emerged in our digital society. One of the most pressing issues is the spread...

Flux: Supercharging Folding@Home’s Mission for Groundbreaking Disease Research

Folding@Home, a distributed computing project that pools the computational resources of millions of individual users worldwide to conduct disease research, has been instrumental in...

Kadena – A Review of the Ecosystem – Part 1 – Gaming

Kadena has been developing its Pact language for some time now and it's being making the platform more developer friendly. Breaking down the barriers...

What is the Future for AI – Should it be Decentralized.

Sometimes as I sit back at this moment in time on the precipice of what could be the next revolution. The AI revolution, I...

Presearch: The Best Decentralized Search Engine That Gives You Control

The search engine has become an essential tool for navigating the vast and ever-growing internet. However, centralized search engines like Google and Bing collect...

Flux – Can Host the Next Level of AI Technology!

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a topic of research for several years, and it is becoming increasingly important in various industries with products like...

Flux – Decentralized WordPress: Is it Good for the Internet?

The world of the internet is ever-evolving and new technologies are constantly being developed to make the experience better for everyone. Flux is leading...

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