Kadena – What is the Secret Garden Project!

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SGK (Secret Garden of Kadena) are excited to announce the launch of a new gaming experience, where players can play games for free and NFT holders will receive rewards. There first system, Play to Own (P2O), allows players to win other NFTs that unlock different playable classes in-game.

Introducing a Revolutionary New Gaming Experience: Play to Own (P2O) and Risk to Earn (R2E)

Here’s how it works: If a player owns a 2D NFT, they will have access to two classes, such as Archer or Mage. Then, by playing the game, they have the opportunity to win a third class, such as Barbarian.

Each month or two, SGK will release new in-game characters and NFT collections as rewards, providing players with a constantly evolving gaming experience.

The second system, Risk to Earn (R2E), provides a thrilling gaming experience, where players can join daily or weekly tournaments by paying a small fee in KDA. The top players will win a share of the majority of what was paid in, providing a great opportunity for players to put their skills to the test and earn rewards.

SGK also introducing in-game NFTs that change gameplay or offer bonuses, providing players with an even more exciting gaming experience.

What is the Secret Garden of Kadena?

The Secret Garden is a magical place where Gnomes can live freely and happily, away from prying human eyes. For centuries, Gnomes lived underground, but with advancing technology, they were forced to come to the surface and hide as garden gnomes. This was not the life they wanted, so they created the Secret Garden as their new home.

The Gnomes are fiercely protective of their new home, and they will do whatever it takes to defend it. It’s a place where they can finally be themselves, and live their lives in peace. It’s a beautiful, mystical world that’s worth discovering.

What types of games are you building?

Get ready for some fun with the Secret Garden of Kadena! They’re building multiple games from popular genres, all with a Secret Garden theme. Right now, they have plans for four games with the first being a battle game in the works.

And the best part? All the games will have a play-to-earn feature with a unique reward system. So you can have fun and earn rewards at the same time!

The Roadmap

Q4 2022 – Phase 1

  • Create Social media accounts – Completed
  • Build community – In progress
  • Secure launchpad partnership – Completed (Arkade)
  • Build website – Completed
  • Finish Gen 0 artwork – Completed
  • Seek partnerships – In progress

Q1 2023 – Phase 2

  • Gen 0 free mint 0 – Date set for Feb 12
  • Begin building treasury through royalties
  • Finish gen 1 artwork – In progress
  • Gen 1 mint announcement
  • Begin play to earn game design/development
  • Release first non-play to earn game for free to the community – In progress
  • Begin advertising and marketing

Q1/Q2 2023 – Phase 3

  • Gen 1 mint
  • Continue play to earn game design/development
  • Finish gen 2/3 artwork
  • Continue advertising/marketing/partnerships

Q2 2023 – Phase 4

  • FREE gen 2 mint to gen 1 holders
  • Finish and launch first play to earn game
  • Begin unique in-game rewards
  • Continue advertising/marketing/partnerships

Q2/Q3 2023 – Phase 5

  • Continue building treasury through royalties and NFT sales
  • If treasury allows, begin designing and developing the 2nd/3rd+ games
  • Continue in-game rewards for holders
  • Continue advertising/marketing/partnerships

2023+ Phase 6

  • Continue building amazing games
  • Continue play to earn rewards for all games
  • Continue advertising/marketing
  • Metaverse?!?

Join them on this exciting journey and experience a whole new world of gaming, where you can play to own and risk to earn.


Discord – https://discord.gg/ZT4vJV33An

Website – https://kadenasecretgarden.com/

Twitter – https://twitter.com/kdasecretgarden

Thanks for reading and if you would like to keep in touch with all things Flux follow me on Discord and Twitter.

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