Web 3

Timpi – Reclaim Your Privacy and Search Data

The Timpi Project first caught my eye a while ago, I am very aware of Data Privacy and the issues that we have in...

How to Install a Streamr Node with VPS

I have been wanting to do a guide how to install a Streamr node for Passive Income for some time. Its one of the...

Timpi: A New Source of Truth for the Digital Age

In a world where privacy concerns and data security are increasingly in the spotlight, it's crucial to take control of our online presence. Enter...

A Game Changer for Web 3 and Flux! #PoUW

A shout out to Flux for letting me share this, but I wanted to expand on it. Check out the review on Proof of Useful work and its implications. This post will change so remember to check back in as I discover more.

New to Flux? Check out this video!

Sometimes videos can give more than a 1000 words, so I had to share this a huge thanks to @BitsBeTrippin for this interview a...

Awesome – Flux Persistent Storage on the Way!

This is a great move forwards for the Flux team and probably a little bit under sung compared to Proof of Useful Work. Persistent...

What do you need to set up a Cumulus Node?

Well the simple answer is, their are lots of options. If you have a pc that you don't need anymore and meets the specs that would be the easiest way to start. I now have 5 nodes hosted at home and you can possibly add up to 8 with uPnP setup on your router.

Flux Supporting GPU Miners – Why not check out the project?

What will you be crypto mining after the merge? My choice would be Flux, Ergo or ETC at a push. Few projects seem to...

What is Web3? Blockchain and more!

Well what is web3, “, Web3 represents the next phase of the internet and, perhaps, of organizing society. Web 1.0, the story goes, was the era of decentralized, open protocols, in which most online activity involved navigating to individual static webpages.

Web 3 – Will it be mass adopted?

The year was 1977, the telephone was already in operation, and the first single-chip processor (which was going to ignite the PC revolution) had already been invented.

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