How to Install a Streamr Node with VPS

Must read

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I have been wanting to do a guide how to install a Streamr node for Passive Income for some time. Its one of the simpler node projects to setup and I used this video to do it. Checkout the post and get in touch if you need any help.

I thought I would add to the video so you can watch and use my breakdown guide at the same time so you don’t have to flick back and forwards on Youtube.

Just wanted to give a shout out to CryptoJar_Net check out his Youtube and twitter. And you can also follow me on social media here.

Linux Commands for Installing and Running Streamr

Install Docker – curl -fsSL -o

sudo sh

Make the Directory

mkdir ~/.streamrDocker

Install Streamr

docker run -it -v $(cd ~/.streamrDocker; pwd):/root/.streamr streamr/broker-node:latest bin/config-wizard

Run Streamr

docker run -it -p 7170:7170 -p 7171:7171 -p 1883:1883 -v $(cd ~/.streamrDocker; pwd):/root/.streamr streamr/broker-node:latest

Installing Metamask and Polygon Mainnet

This is where my guide differs from the video. I set up the wallet and metamask first then import the Private key into Streamr. Both ways will work so feel free to use the method in the video.

Purchase some MATIC to swap to the Data token using quickswap –

Then you will have to add the some MATIC to you Metamask Wallet, once complete import the Data token into Metamask and add the token contract address. Once you have done that you can use quickswap to convert the Matic into Data ready for staking on the node.

Useful links:-

NB: If you do it this way you will have to export the Private Key and store it safely. Then when setting up the node import the key instead of setting up a fresh one. To do this click the 3 dots on metamask, then account details then export the private key after entering your password. Do not share this key apart from node setup.

Creating the VPS on Digital Ocean

You can use any VPS provider for this as long as it meets the specs – If you want to support me check out the referral link below for a $200 free credit.

Everyone you refer gets $200 in credit over 60 days. Once they’ve spent $25 with us, you’ll get $25. There is no limit to the amount of credit you can earn through referrals.

My referral link:-

Its pretty simple to setup a droplet, select the one you want enter a password and ensure that Ubuntu Server 20.04 is set not the newer version and launch it.

Streamr Requirements
Streamr Requirements

Setting up the Node

This may sound and look daunting but its not, just step through the process and you will be fine.

  • Setup the node – then use PuTTY to connect to the console
  • Login to the Root location with the password you created earlier
  • Install the docker by entering this curl -fsSL -o then type sudo sh
  • Then make the directory for Streamr to live in using this command mkdir ~/.streamrDocker
  • Copy this in to run the wizard docker run -it -v $(cd ~/.streamrDocker; pwd):/root/.streamr streamr/broker-node:latest bin/config-wizard
  • Follow the prompts and either import the P Key you saved earlier or create a new one and export it to metamask
  • Select the 3 options by pressing space bar and click enter – enter the default ports listed.
  • Once complete run the node – docker run -it -p 7170:7170 -p 7171:7171 -p 1883:1883 -v $(cd ~/.streamrDocker; pwd):/root/.streamr streamr/broker-node:latest

Once this is complete you will get an ethereum public address the you can use later and the link to your node.

See your node and rewards and connect to Metamask

You can view your rewards and node here. Just simply link your Metamask wallet and if everything is working correctly you will see an OK under nodes.

Useful Link: –

Learn More about Streamr

Thanks for reading, If you want to learn more about Streamr you can check out the Whitepaper here or follow me on Social Media for the latest updates.

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